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Eat 10 foods to beat stress: reduce anxiety By Food

Stress in itself is not dangerous, since it is part of our lives and, in a certain way, it is normal to suffer it. However, being exposed to high levels of stress continuously has its consequences: insomnia,widespread pain, depression, ulcers, eczema, reduction of sexual desire, hair loss ... To minimize its effects, we propose this series of foods that help to combat stress.

1. Avocado

Half an avocado gives us more potassium than a medium banana, it helps us lower blood pressure naturally, it contains B vitamins, monounsaturated fats necessary for brain health and fiber. 
It is a food that can not miss in your day, if you want to control anxiety and take care of the health of your brain.

2. Salmon

Excellent for its contribution of Omega 3 fatty acids and its high magnesium content, which helps relaxation, fights inflammation and regulates blood sugar.
Therefore, it maintains anxiety levels and prevents the increase of stress hormones.

3. Naranjas 

vitamin C in oranges reduces cortisol and blood pressure, which reduces the negative responses to stress.In addition, it gives us a boost our immune system.

4. Asparagus

Asparagus provides a high content of folic acid, which is beneficial if you feel a little depressed since anxiety and depression are related to low levels of folic acid.

5. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is the favorite of many. We eat it for its taste, but also when we feel a little down. This is because it reduces cortisol, it calms our anxiety and releases chemical reactions to our brain, which make us feel better.

7. Almonds

Almonds are excellent for relieving stress, because of its zinc content, which raises our spirits, their magnesium content, vitamins B2 and vitamin E.


This rounded cabbage with smooth leaves, like all purple fruits and vegetables (blueberries, aubergines, blackberries, radishes, cherries ...) contains anti-Chinese ingredients that protect against cardiovascular diseases and improve mental clarity.
 All these fruits and vegetables have proven to be useful in the fight against stress.


Lemons contain large amounts of antioxidants as valuable as vitamin C, capable of purifying and protecting liver cells. If we look for the most natural remedy available against stress, it would undoubtedly be lemon juice. Taking it on an empty stomach will help us against stress, fatigue and chronic fatigue.


Chamomile tea along with the traditional glass of warm milk are the best allies against stress before going to bed. A study by the University of Pennsylvania demonstrated the efficacy of chamomile in an experiment with people with generalized anxiety disorder. After 8 weeks of treatment, patients had a significant drop in anxiety symptoms.Herbs such as Valerian, orange flower or lemon verbena are also recommended.


Strawberries provide a lot of cell- and tissue-promoting vitamin C (around 60 milligrams per 100 grams, that's more than lemons contain). In addition, they have a very high manganese content. Manganese is a trace element that supports the activation of enzymes in the body. Hardly any fruit contains as much folic acid as strawberries.
Raw eaten, strawberries are true nutrient bombs. However, heating them above 175 ° C reduces enzymes and antioxidant activity.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about stress.Please keep sharing.
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