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how to be healthy and fit in two Weeks|How to Be Healthier in 14 Days

Be healthier in 14 days
It's hard to have a healthy lifestyle. Keeping the old, comfortable routine seems to be more pleasant than changing it. But to eat healthier, have a more active lifestyle, and have active hobbies can be more enjoyable. Life will be more fulfilling in just two weeks. A healthy life is a lifelong endeavor to start slowly and live well for two weeks, showing you the positive effects on your body and mind.

Method 1.Get in shape

1.Leave your car.

This can be difficult, depending on where you live, you'll lose weight quickly, reduce your stress and raise your spirits. If you have the opportunity, you can walk to the grocery store. If not, you can also take a 30-minute walk every day.Ask a friend if he wants to go. So you move and maintain your social contacts.

2.Make a schedule, when and what sport you want to do:

Find out how much time you have per day to be physically active and set realistic plans.
If you can, one hour a day is perfect. But working from nine to six o'clock and having two children, four times a week will have to be enough for half to three quarters of an hour.
Having a realistic plan makes it easier for you to achieve your goals and stay within the time frame. 

3.Integrate strength training:

 Forming muscles prevents them from breaking down, leaving you feeling healthy and taut. To perform efficient strength training, one should perform compound movements (= movements that train more than one muscle group). For example: squats, dead lifts, bench presses.
Talk to a trainer or a fitness fanatical friend to find out how to safely do weight exercises.

4.Do intensive cardio workouts:

If you want to lose weight and get into shape, you should do cardio exercises in a short time. Running or walking a few miles every day is part of a healthy lifestyle, but it has been proven that the body responds best to strenuous exercises in a short period of time.Find a cardio sport. Nordic walking, running, swimming or cross trainer are all good options.
First select a shorter interval, about 30 seconds. So if you like to run, sprint for 30 seconds and regenerate for a minute before sprinting again. Repeat this about ten times. You can extend the interval if you get better.
Do this only two or three times a week to avoid injury and burn-outs. Complement cardio units that last longer, but are not so exhausting.

5.Train at home.

 It's cheaper and more time efficient, but just as effective. Find items such as balls, exercise bands or dumbbells. Work with every muscle group with cardio and strength training, but also with your own body weight.
When planning a workout at home, make sure you have enough time to warm up, cool down, and do the exercises.
For example, you can do 30 minutes of cardio three times a week, plus 20-30 minutes of strength training three times a week followed by stretching.
6Find a workout partner. 
Together, it is not only easier to do sports, but also more fun. Find someone with similar plans and goals to keep you motivated. 

Method 2.Change Your Diet:

1.Eat more fruits and vegetables:

 It is essential to lose weight. Your body also receives important nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and fiber. Eat fruits and vegetables a day at least five times, but try alternating. Make sure you eat fruits or vegetables with every meal.
Breakfast: Enjoy your eggs with spinach, tomatoes or mushrooms instead of cheese. If you take breakfast cereal or cereal with you, cut in bananas or berries.
Lunch: Make a salad with leafy vegetables, nuts, carrots, peppers, onions or broccoli. Or eat a wrap or sandwich stuffed with onions, tomatoes, lettuce or cucumbers.
Instead of canned tomato sauce, fry broccoli, garlic, tomatoes and peppers in olive oil and eat with pasta.

2.Empty your fridge. 

If you want to live a healthy life, it is best to start at the beginning. Discard all ready meals and unhealthy ingredients or give them to friends or donate them. It prevents you from eating unhealthy food again. 

3.Eliminate in addition to ready meals also sugary foods:

 These lead to diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and strokes. They give you feeling of fullness, but contain no important nutrients such as vitamins. Eat "natural" foods such as fruits, vegetables, cereal products, nuts, meat, proteins, and macrobiotic foods like Greek yogurt.
Stick to Author Michael Pollans Rule: Do not eat anything that your grandmother did not recognize as food. If you can not pronounce an ingredient or the dish needs more than five ingredients, look for something more "natural".

4.Search natural sweeteners:

 Instead of adding normal sugar to the coffee or cake, you can also use honey or agave.

5.Stop thoughtless snacks:

 Eating without being hungry is the best way to gain weight. Just take something with you when you're really hungry and look for high-protein foods as they avoid new hunger for longer.
A toast with peanut butter, a tomato-mozzarella plate, a hard-boiled egg or hummus with fruit are good options. 

Method 3.Reduce stress and increase the feeling of happiness

1.Sleep enough:

 Sleeping for six to nine hours at night is important for a healthy life. Enough sleep increases the ability to learn, promotes good decisions and flexibility, as well as good reaction to changes.
Everyone needs a different amount of sleep. Make yourself feel good and sleep well after six hours, others need ten hours. Experiment with your sleep times and decide which ones feel best for you. 
Make your own ritual at bedtime. Read a good book, do some stretching or drink a cup of herbal tea. It's important to stick to it over the weekends as well, so your body stays used to it. 

2.Do yoga:

 Yoga is a great activity for those who want to increase their body awareness, flexibility and strength. It strengthens the back, arms and legs and helps you to feel present in your body as well as to focus on your breathing. 
Participate in courses to learn the appropriate technique. Then you can either continue to take courses, or practice alone.

3.Start meditating:

Meditation helps you to be more connected to yourself and your environment. It reduces your ego, because you turn your thoughts into simple thoughts that increase mindfulness, joy, and contentment.

4.Stimulate your mind:

 People who remain open and curious enjoy higher mental health. Learning leads to creativity and self-esteem. Try to learn something new every day!
Every day for at least 15 to 20 minutes, read a book that interests you.

5.Learn a new language:

 Learning another language keeps your brain active. It expands your world view and gives you new travel options. Download the Dialing app for a lightweight and accessible language learning device.

6.Take time for social contacts:

. Spending time with your loved ones leads to increased happiness. Even when you are under stress, take time for a meal with friends or family, or talk to them on the phone. You will feel connected and strengthened.


Try to continue to live well after the two weeks.
Talk to your doctor about how you can get well and stay healthy.
Sweets can be enjoyed here and there, just do not overdo it.


Pass with morning caffeine drinks. Coffee and other morning drinks mostly contain fat and sugar. As a result, choose low-fat and sugar-free drinks or avoid skimmed milk drinks.

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