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How to Use Chia Seeds for Weight Loss|How to lose weight with chia seeds

How to lose weight with chia seeds

If you want to lose weight, few natural ways you will find like to include in your daily diet this wonderful super food that will help you to keep those uncomfortable extra pounds at bay with very little effort
Chia seeds are, perhaps, one of the most repeated ingredient when slimming is concerned and it is no coincidence, as well as being a seed with high nutritional values, it has something that is fundamental when it comes to losing weight and is its great fiber content which is what really helps people who consume chia seed to lose weight .
What the fiber of the chia seeds achieves is that you feel sated for a longer time and this means that you do not feel the need to consume more food, but we also have another contribution that the chia seed makes to lose weight is that it is a natural accelerator of metabolism, which forces the body to consume more energy and this will obtain from the burning of accumulated fat in your body.
Today we bring you excellent and simple homemade recipes and we will explain how to lose weight with chia seeds Do not miss it!

Other benefits of chia seeds
  • Great source of Omega 3.
  • They help fight cellulite.
  • They are anti-inflammatory.
  • They help fight premature aging.
  • Increase peristalsis (bowel movements), improving our digestion.
  • Regulator of blood sugar (less hungry).
  • Reduce the cholesterol.
  • It helps regulate blood pressure.
How to consume chia seeds to lose weight
Ideally, we consume 25 grams of chia seeds daily if we want to lose weight. It is recommended to consume 12.5 grams fasting and 12.5 grams just before dinner. You can put them in a glass of juice or simply in water.
Ideally, you throw them into the liquid and wait a few minutes. You will notice that the liquid, either juice or water, will become thick and this is no more than the chia fiber making its appearance.Once you start to consume it reminds you to keep yourself well hydrated as the chia seeds will absorb water from your intestines to release their fiber and you may end up suffering from constipation. Do not consume less than two liters of water daily or consume more grams daily than we mentioned before.

Chia water with lemon to lose weight

Both lemon and chia seeds are a source of fiber and natural antioxidants that will help us in all these processes:
They promote the elimination of adipose tissue accumulated in the body. This water acts as a good diuretic and fights constipation.
When the chia seeds come into contact with water they form a hypocaloric layer. That is, when they reach the stomach they increase in volume, they satisfy us and stimulate the digestion and purification of the organism.
  • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds
  • 1 glass and ½ water
  • A lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
The first thing we will do is to soak the teaspoon of chia seeds with a half glass of water (100 ml) for one hour. In this way, in addition to softening, that gel so characteristic of this food will be formed.
Next, we will obtain the juice of our lemon. Once ready, mix it with the glass of water. Now let's mix everything, the water with lemon juice along with the water where the chia seeds have formed that gel. You can help with the blender, so you can also include the spoonful of honey to sweeten this drink as healthy as nutritious. You will love the taste.
Remember to drink our chia water with lemon every morning on an empty stomach . Besides taking care of your health, it will be a great help to lose weight.

Smoothie with chia seeds to lose weight

  • 2 ripe pears
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
  • 3 tablespoons oat flakes
  • 1 glass of water
  • Stevia (optional)
The night before, we will put the oat flakes and chia seeds in the glass of water. We will cover it and let it soak during the night. In the morning, when preparing the shake, we will include both oats and chia and water, which will be gelatinous due to the soluble fiber of both ingredients. We will add the pear cut into pieces and the stevia to taste if we want the milkshake to be sweeter.
We will beat well for at least one minute, until the texture is homogeneous. The best time to take this shake is in the morning, as a breakfast, or throughout the morning. Their natural sugars will help us not to crave for several hours. Its content in oatmeal and chia helps us regulate intestinal function from early in the morning.
We can take this smoothie every day in seasons, for example for a month and then take a break.Our organism will give us the answer of when we need it.

Pineapple and chia seeds shake to lose weight

The pineapple and chia seeds shake has become a healthy and delicious option to support diets for weight loss purposes.
Its properties facilitate the elimination of waste substances retained in the body and, as if that were not enough, it promotes the reduction of adipose tissue.
  • 2 pineapple slices
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds (20 g)
  • The juice of 2 oranges
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)
  • Honey (optional)
Peel the pineapple, cut two large slices and cut them into small cubes. Extract the juice of the two oranges and pour it in the blender with the pieces of pineapple, honey and water. Process everything for a few moments, until you get a homogeneous drink. Serve it without straining and use the chia seeds to decorate. Optionally you can soak the chia seeds, at least two hours, and add them in the blender with the other ingredients.
Consume it on an empty stomach, as part of breakfast or in times of uncontrollable hunger.

Breakfast of oats and chia seeds to flatten the abdomen

This recipe contains all that is required to start the day with good energy: it is rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and fiber necessary to activate the metabolism and increase the feeling of satiety during the rest of the day.
For the ease of preparation is a perfect alternative for all those who do not have much time to prepare other types of breakfasts; more or less you should invest 15 minutes a day, and the best thing is that it is not as expensive as other foods.
As a result you will get a perfect breakfast to include in the hypocaloric diet, as it is low in calories and rich in goodness to improve health.
  • 500 ml of water
  • 1 cup of oatmeal
  • 2 tablespoons of vanilla essence
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 4 tablespoons of chia seeds
In a small saucepan, bring water, cinnamon and vanilla to a boil over high heat. Once the boil is broken, reduce the candle to a minimum, add the oatmeal and let it cook for an additional 5 minutes. After the recommended time, remove from heat, cover the pot and allow to rest another 5 minutes. Add honey, salt and mix well to integrate all the ingredients.
Serve the mixture in a bowl and sprinkle the chia seeds over it. Optionally you can add nuts, strawberries, blackberries, bananas, among others. It is not advisable to incorporate milk as this ingredient causes stomach inflammation.

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