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How to lose weight with green coffee|Guaranteed weight loss with green coffee

How to lose weight with green coffee

Green coffee has been used in recent years as a very popular and effective remedy to lose weight, today we tell you what benefits and how to take it to lose weight
Losing weight is perhaps one of the most difficult challenges to achieve when suffering from overweight or obesity . Once kilos are gained and fat accumulates in the body, many and constant efforts are required to lower them again.
Taking into account the difficulties that many people have to lose weight, a group of researchers carried out a study in which they looked for a way to support weight loss and contribute to coping with obesity.
The result was quite encouraging as people managed to lose a few kilos without the need to do strict diets or adopt high-intensity exercise routines.
We share the details ...

Lose weight faster with the support of green coffee

Research conducted in the United States indicates that green coffee has the ability to dissolve the fats that accumulate in the body and, therefore, help us lose weight. It is used in people with obesity so that they can reach their ideal weight. It is estimated that about 10% of the fat is reduced by drinking this infusion alone.
It is worth clarifying the green coffee by itself does not work miracles and that we should accompany it with a balanced diet and physical exercise several times a week.
Promotes thermogenesis
By increasing the temperature of the body (as occurs, for example, with ginger) the metabolic processes of calorie burn are accelerated.
Transforms fat reserves
Green coffee helps the fats we accumulate in different parts of the body to become heat energy.What does this mean? That you will have more strength to train, exercise or perform your daily activities ... While losing weight!
Increase the lipolytic process
The ability to metabolize fats deposited in soft adipose tissue increases when drinking green coffee. Therefore, our figure will look more slender in less time.
Fight cellulite
While it is not a specific problem of obese women (thin women may also have orange peel), green coffee helps reduce the picture. This is achieved due to the draining and lipolytic actions of the unroasted grain.
Sate the appetite
Drinking a cup of green coffee gives us a feeling of fullness for longer. Therefore, it is recommended to consume it when we have a lot of appetite or we are about to binge because of anxiety or boredom. It is also good one hour before lunch or dinner to eat less.
The procedure is simple: the infusion increases the intestinal secretion of a neuropeptide responsible for sending signals to the brain when the stomach is full.

How is green coffee consumed to lose weight?

While the naturist houses sell capsules with green coffee extract, it is always better to choose the grains because they are the most natural way to take advantage of their benefits.
Nutritionists recommend consuming a maximum of two cups a day. The first take should be done fasting (to burn fat) and the second before lunch (to fill the stomach and eat less solids).
It is not advisable to drink green coffee at night. It is necessary to remember that, even though color makes us think that it is healthier, it also has caffeine (in a small amount). This can cause alterations in the sleep cycle and even difficulty sleeping.
  • For a cup of green coffee: 15 green coffee beans and 250 ml. of water
  • For one liter of green coffee: 50 grains of green coffee 1 liter of water
In fact it is a process to prepare and make green coffee is very simple. Just add the water in a saucepan and wait for it to boil. When it starts to boil, add the green coffee beans in the amounts indicated according to the amount you want to prepare and leave to boil for 3 minutes. Then leave on low heat for 15 minutes. Cool and drink

How to add green coffee to my diet?

If you have started a healthy eating plan because you want to lose weight you can incorporate green coffee to improve the results. While some indicate that it helps reduce 1 kg per day that is not healthy at all.
Therefore, we advise you to do a balanced diet and do not expect miraculous results. Think better about feeling good.
Green coffee has the ability to dissolve fats. Until that is perfect. But we have to help him to offer us those benefits. With a good amount of water per day (drink 2 liters, at least) and with moderate exercise you will increase the results.

Where can you get green coffee?

Although more research is needed to determine how effective the green coffee extract is for weight loss and what other effects it has on the body, some people have decided to try it to see for themselves the effects.
In some herbal and naturist shops are already marketing the product, but it is very important to verify that it is of high quality before buying it.

When it is not advisable to drink green coffee

Before preparing it, we advise you to take a look at its contraindications, so that you can discover whether or not you can consume it regularly. It is not advised in case of:
  • Heart disease and heart problems.
  • Kidney problems
  • Small children.
  • Pregnant
  • Monitoring of low carbohydrate diets.

Other benefits of green coffee

In addition to the above, this rich infusion serves to:
  • Prevent the formation of gallstones and kidney stones
  • Increase energy and reduce chronic fatigue
  • Help to stop addiction to tobacco and alcohol
  • Detoxify the body from environmental pollutants
  • Stimulate physical activity
  • Help digestion
  • Fight the migraine

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