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How to remove redness of the face|5 Simple Ways To Remove Red Spots On The Skin

5 easy ways to remove red spots on the skin?

Appearance of red spots on the skin is always the most common skin problem suffered by people from all walks of life. These red spots can appear due to various reasons, such as bacterial, fungal and viral infections, wounds and cuts, the symptoms, the results and after the effects of various diseases, etc., which are difficult to identify. The identification of the reason behind the appearance of red spots can be done by studying the location, color and structure of these spots on the body. Red spots are sometimes characterized as itching, pain, swelling, fluid-filled or simply as spots and scars that does not hurt, nor does the change of shape or other features that accompany it. You should always consult a doctor in the issuance of prolonged and aggravated red spot situations. These small red spots on the skin can commonly occur due to:
  • Acne and pimples
  • Wish
  • Rosacea
  • Blood spots
  • Urticaria
  • Cherry Soul
  • Eruptions
  • Insect bites
  • Measles
  • Reaction Allergies and chemistry
Because these red spots can be the result of one of the health conditions mentioned, the correct identification of the exact cause is a vital key to determining the correct course of treatment to cure this problem. Some general ways to address the issue of red dots are the following:
Ways to treat red spots on the skin
Using good cosmetics and personal hygiene products:

Excessive and prolonged use of cosmetics and highly chemical-based artificial hygiene products, such as lipsticks, powders, soap, cream, etc., especially those of inferior quality, can be harmful to the skin thanks to the presence of components corrosive and unhealthy. We recommend that you use instead of the natural nutrients and rich cosmetic extracts that your chemical counterparts packed in order to avoid the negative effects such as rashes, allergies, acne, red spots, etc. The expiration date of these products, should certainly be checked before the application to ensure avoiding harmful chemical reactions on the skin.


Discoloration and fading of red spots may be required by regular exfoliation and faithful image of the affected area. This helps to get rid of dirt, unwanted skin oil, dead and dry build on the epidermis, which act as an obstacle in the process of weakening these red spots, while also helping to bring the new and healthy surface of the skin and thus creating immaculate, perfect skin. Exfoliating and washing can be done with natural and organic products, pumice stone, wash clothes, scrubbing and also through chemical processes that remove these unwanted cells from the surface of the skin and make it look fresh and revitalized.

Medical and clinical alternatives:

The use of medications, ointments, skin creams, such as calamine, laser treatments, surgical options and other alternative medical clinics are useful in the treatment, reduction and elimination of these unwanted red spots of the body.

Avoid sun exposure:

Red spot of skin can deepen and aggravate due to sun exposure, since these harmful rays can damage skin cells, promote the synthesis of excess melanin in the affected region, cause skin burns, etc. and so both damage the skin and delay the process disappear and lightening these places. Therefore, it is ideal to protect yourself from these harmful UV rays of the sun and the use of cosmetics that contain SPF or other sunscreens.

A proper and healthy diet:

Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is a prerequisite for having a clear, red-less place and health of the skin. Having a poor diet can cause allergies, digestive problems, acne, pimples, dry skin, etc., which can begin to promote the appearance of red spots on the face and undesirable body. To avoid this, you must follow a protein, vitamins, minerals, essential oil and other diet rich in nutrients that can help the body to fight these diseases, and increase immunity.

Genetic attributes

Some people are born have red marks on the skin such as birthmarks, etc., which are the result of genetic factors. It is very difficult in these cases to fade or lighten the red spots, of course, and surgery is the only way to eliminate these spots.

Natural medicine

The use of some natural products such as licorice extract, kojic acid, mulberry extract, witch hazel, lavender oil, oats, potatoes, tomatoes, etc., and vitamin C and E enriched products, which are excellent tonic and astringent, It is believed that it is useful to lighten discoloration and red spots and soothing on the skin to make it healthy and free of imperfections.

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