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How to Exercise Your Eyes|10 Free Eye Exercises to Improve Your Vision

10 Eye exercises to improve vision

We all know how important it is to keep active by doing exercises on a regular basis to maintain our health. But did you know that you can also and should exercise your eyes? This is a key step necessary to maintain visual health until old age.

The eye exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles of the eyes, improve focus, eye movements and stimulate the brain's vision center. These help to counteract existing eye problems, maintain the current level of vision and even improve many vision conditions, especially when practiced together with specific nutrients for visual health such as antihistamine, vitamin A, lute in, among others.

These exercises not only help improve vision, these can also be used as a method of prevention if you spend a lot of time in front of the PC, watching television, genetic predisposition or simply your eyes get tired easily. Here 10 simple exercises to improve visual health.

 Benefits of eye exercises
Our eyes are constantly fixed watching the computer monitor, with an occasional change to the cell phone and then to the television. These and other factors can reduce the quality of our vision. Practice exercises for the eyes, keep them strong and provide the following benefits:

  • Reduces the risk of developing eye diseases.
  • Eliminate red eyes
  • Reduces fatigue and stress in the eyes.
  • Improve concentration.
  • On certain occasions, it fights migraines.
  • Increase peripheral vision.

10 Exercises to improve vision
1. Blinks frequently for 2 minutes. This exercise normalizes intramuscular blood circulation.

2. Make circular rotations with the head: from side to side and from top to bottom. These movements activate blood circulation.

3. Standing straight, look to the right or left completely (moving only your eyes in the direction you choose) and then move your eyes in a straight line to the opposite direction.

4. Rub your hands for a few seconds until they heat up a little. Now, with closed eyes, apply the lower part of the wrists on the eyes for a few minutes. This helps to relax the eyes and allows you to use them for more time before getting tired.

5. Move your eyes in different directions: left-right, up-down, in a circle, drawing an "eight (8)".

6. Close your eyes for 3-6 seconds and then open them. Repeat it 7 times. Exercise relaxes the eye muscles and activates blood circulation.

7. Press the upper eyelids with your fingers, but without much effort, hold that position for about 2 seconds. Repeat about 4-5 times. Exercise improves the passage of intramuscular fluid.

8. Draw with open eyes in the air, first simple geometric shapes and then more complex compositions.

9. Close your eyes and slowly move the eyeballs up and down. Repeat it 5 to 10 times.

10. Stand next to a window, focus your sight on some nearby object (for example, some point on the glass) and then move your gaze to a distant object (a house, tree or anything). Repeat about 10 times. This is one of the best exercises and you can practice anywhere, I do it when I'm in the gym.

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