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How To Look Naturally Beautiful Without Makeup|10 Ways to Look Naturally Beautiful

10 Ways To Look Naturally Beautiful Without Makeup

With these tips, forget about getting your daily makeup!

The makeup does a lot of work in the plan to see us well. Not only does it give you the appearance of looking trim and elegant, but it also disguises or excels those characteristics of your face (and even other skin parts) where, as they popularly say, you need "a little cat hand."

However, in the era when Photoshop and surgery has deformed the most beautiful faces of our generation (such as Renee Zellweger or Britney Spears), it would be important to analyze our concept of "natural" beauty. Or do you not think that both celebrities made a serious mistake?

So many tips that there are to look beautiful in your own skin:

1. Take care of your skin

Hydrate it when necessary. Pamper yourself with an exfoliation every week and try not to be so harsh with waxing. Do not abuse makeup is also a great idea to keep young and, above all, pure. Without any dust or extraneous base that "mattify" your zone T.

2. Eyebrow design

They say that the eyes are the window of the soul. In that case, the eyebrows would be something like the curtains. It is impressive the difference between well-defined eyebrows and ones that are not so much for the face. No face makeup: without delineating or contouring, you can look amazing only if you go with a professional once a month.

3. Get rid of the toxins

Not only do we speak of a detox, but of an intense detoxification and from within. The water and a radical change in the not so healthy diet that you take, will make you change skin, practically. You will look radiant, young, enlightened, clean and with better health, generally.

4. Smile

It's not just about smiling, it's about taking care of your smile. Go to the dentist regularly and make sure you pay attention to the hygiene of your mouth: wash your teeth 3 times a day. Teeth whitening is an option; however, it will always be better to take care of your teeth rather than just make them look pretty.

5. Good haircut

Make sure you have a haircut that suits your face shape. It is never too different to change your look or do something completely different than the classic blunt. But yes, you must be sure that the final style is your thing. The round-shaped faces do not have the same as the square ones, and successively.

6. Sleep well

When you sleep well, it shows. Both your skin and your body look different. It has been said that sleeping badly even fattens, so there are no benefits that can give you to look good without the help of makeup.

7. Eat well

All our nutrition has a lot to do with our appearance. It is not about starving yourself, but about finding a balance in which both you and your skin feel and look good.

8. You can highlight your lashes without mascara

You can curl your lashes and make them look good without the help of mascara. An old trick is to apply little Vaseline at bedtime. This will hydrate them and also make them grow, so you do not have a problem and, of course, they will not fall.

9. Exfoliate

Exfoliate your skin is essential to look good. Make sure you do it at least once a week. This will make your skin expel by itself all impurity that afflicts you, without leaving marks.

10. Use sunscreen

Of course, sunscreen is basic. Do not go anywhere without him. The sun is mostly guilty of photographing, so unless you want to look older than your true age, avoid sun exposure without applying a minimum SPF 30 blocker

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