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Tips how to avoid heat stroke|8 useful tips to avoid heatstroke

8 helpful tips to avoid heatstroke

With the summer coming, there are thousands of ideas for outdoor activities, but remember that heat can also have unfortunate consequences. Follow our tips to avoid heat stroke and enjoy the hassle free summer!

1. Limit your exposure to heat and sun.

During hot weather, flee the sun during the hottest hours of the day, between 11 am and 5 pm Look for cool or air-conditioned places like shopping malls, cinemas, or shady parks.

2. Hydrate yourself.

Drink about two liters of fluid a day. Go for water or fruit juice and avoid alcohol and beverages containing caffeine, as these increase the risk of dehydration.

3. Adapt your outfit.

Wear light, loose clothing made of light materials (linen, cotton, etc.) that allow the circulation of air. Also, never forget to protect your head from the sun by wearing a hat or cap.

4. Keep the coolness in your home.

Open your windows a lot during the night to bring in the freshness and take care to close the curtains during the day to keep it. Use a fan to circulate the air and, if you can, run the air conditioning.

5. Save your efforts.

Avoid exercising or doing strenuous exercise when the temperature is high. Also limit all physical effort during the hottest hours of the day (moving, rearranging your yard, etc.). If you can not avoid it, drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.

6. Pay special attention to people at risk.

Children and the elderly are more likely to suffer from heat-related disorders, as their bodies are less responsive to temperature changes. Remember to suggest they drink more often and keep them cool. In addition, certain health problems such as obesity, hypertension, alcoholism, mental illness and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease predispose to heat stroke and require special attention.

7. Redouble your attention with your baby.

Unlike adults, it is difficult for infants to regulate their temperature. Any external warming can therefore be a real threat to them, hence the importance of monitoring them closely! Heatstroke may be suspected if no tears come out when he cries, if he has a dry mouth, if his fontanel is slightly depressed or if he does not wet his diaper for more than 8 hours. Remember that an infant's exposure to sun and heat must always be very limited. Also make sure you never leave your child alone in a car in the sun.

8. Be careful of drug reactions.

Some medicines can also increase health risks in case of significant heat. Indeed, some of them interfere with the process of perspiration or promote the elimination of water, disrupting the regulation of body temperature during heat waves. Ask your pharmacist to find out if your medication increases your risk of suffering from heat stroke.

Certain products, foods or changes in your lifestyle may not be suitable for you. Always consult your pharmacist or health professional to assess what is best for you.

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