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Surprising Benefits Of Onions For Skin, Hair And Health|5 onion-based masks for skin care

5 onion-based masks for skin care

Do you want to eliminate stains, acne, prevent premature aging and rejuvenate your face? Be sure to try these excellent homemade onion-based masks with which you will achieve a beautiful and healthy complexion
Surely you are one of those who cry when you cut the onions, to add flavor and texture to your meals. If you did not know, onions contain innumerable nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and flavonoids, which make them a source of benefits for the human body.
But not everything ends here. Today we propose that instead of crying, you laughed when you peel your onions, because in Cositas Femeninas we give you five facial treatments made with onions.
Today we bring you excellent and simple natural masks with onions that will help you reduce stains, rejuvenate the skin, prevent premature aging and reduce acne. Do not stop trying them!

Anti-aging onion mask

The antioxidant compounds in onions play an important role in keeping our skin young and healthy, because they prevent free radicals from causing oxidative damage to the cells of our skin.If you consume onions you will be reducing the risk of premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots on the skin.
  • Two tablespoons of lemon juice
Application mode:
With the help of a cotton ball, apply lemon juice, making gentle circular massage throughout the skin of your face. Then simply rinse with cold water. Perform this procedure twice a week.

Anti-acne onion mask

Acne is a skin condition that is caused by the clogging of pores, due to impurities from environmental dust, pollution and even remains of dead skin cells. The antiseptic nature of the onion prevents the pores of our skin from becoming clogged, reducing the appearance of acne.
  • Juice of an onion
  • A tablespoon of olive oil
Application mode:
Mix the onion juice with the olive oil. Apply the mixture on your face and simply wait for twenty minutes until it dries. Then rinse with plenty of cold water.

Onion mask to lighten the skin

This mask is a wonderful exfoliant for your skin and will help you to eliminate dead cells, improving the complexion of the skin, at the same time that it gives back luminosity.
  • One and a half tablespoons of onion juice
  • Two tablespoons of flour
  • Half a spoonful of milk
  • A pinch of nutmeg
  • A few drops of lavender oil
Application mode:
Mix all the ingredients until you get a thick paste. Allow the mask to dry, waiting approximately for twenty minutes. After this time, dip a cotton ball in milk and remove the mask from your face.Rinse with cold water to close the pores of your skin.

Onion mask to remove dark spots

When you sunbathe and do not use sunscreens properly, small spots on your face may appear over time. Many women experience this type of situation during the process of menopause or pregnancy, due to hormonal changes that occur in the body during these two stages of life. But the onion contains phytonutrients and minerals that help fight these spots that disfigure the face.
  • Two tablespoon of onion juice
  • Two tablespoons of yogurt
  • Two droplets of lavender oil.
Application mode:
Mix the three ingredients and apply the mixture on your face, avoiding the area of ​​the eyes, with circular movements for ten minutes. Remove with plenty of cold water.

Rejuvenating onion mask

Cosmetic products for the care and rejuvenation of the skin are usually quite expensive.Therefore, we suggest you use natural products to make your own masks with rejuvenating effects.
  • Two tablespoons of onion juice
  • A spoonful of yogurt
  • ½ tablespoon of flour
  • A few drops of lemon oil.
Application mode:
Mix the ingredients to form a paste and apply immediately on your face. Always avoid the area of ​​the eyes. Leave on the mask for twenty minutes and rinse with warm water.

Other benefits of onion for body care

The stings of bees can be quite annoying, and even painful. If you ever get bitten by one of these insects, simply cut an onion and place it on the bite. This will immediately relieve the pain and inflammation caused by the bite.
Women love our hair. And in the name of that love, many times, we change its color, using dyes whose components such as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, end up dragging the natural oils produced by the scalp. We also use daily hair dryers and irons, which tend to subtract moisture from the hair fibers.
The onion can be an ally to combat the harmful effects of the chemicals in the tinctures and the iron. Simply mix two tablespoons of onion juice with two tablespoons of coconut oil, and apply the mixture gently on your hair, starting from the roots to the tips. Cover your head with a bathing cap and let it act for twenty minutes. Afterwards, simply wash with a shampoo, rinsing with plenty of warm water.
We promised you that we would not make you cry, because now you know that the onion contains unique properties for skin care.
Have you ever tried these amazing natural onion-based masks? Tell us about your experience

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