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How to Take Care of Your Skin Face and Body: 10 Steps|10 Ways to Protect Your Skin

10 tips to take care of the skin of your body

A beautiful, healthy skin deserves attention every day.  laboratories after the shower, during the holidays, in cold weather ... Your skin will be all the soft, supple and radiant!

Tip 1: I protect my skin from the sun

To preserve the health of your skin, do not expose yourself to the sun without protection. Apply a sunscreen of an index adapted to your type of skin. And renew the application very regularly. It is also advisable to stay in the shade during the hottest hours of the day.

Tip 2: I favor soft soaps for my skin

The skin of your body tends to dry up, especially after showering? Be sure to choose gentle soap-free care for your toilet. If they are too stripping, they may cause a very uncomfortable dry skin. To privilege: overgrown soaps.

Tip 3: a shower rather than a bath

Prefer showers to baths. Thus, your skin will be less dehydrated. Also set the water to good temperature: warm, rather than hot. For fans of the bath, once in a while, it's okay. But do not stay too long!

Tip 4: Practice the art of dabbing

Before leaving the shower, rinse your body thoroughly to remove all traces of cleaning product. Then, quickly dry your skin by dabbing the towel on your legs, your chest, your arms ... Do not do: wipe vigorously or rub.

Tip 5: We adopt the hydration reflex

Here is a reflex to adopt each day. After delicately padding with the towel, do not forget to moisturize your skin with a suitable cream. You restore the hydrolipidic film of your epidermis. Know that all skin needs to be hydrated!

Tip 6: Cover yourself in cold weather

Have you noticed that your skin becomes particularly sensitive in winter? With the cold, but also the wind and the sun, the skin dries indeed, it pulls and tingles. Remember to bundle up as soon as temperatures drop. Do not forget your hands!

Tip 7: Water ad Librium

To maintain your skin, your body needs to be well hydrated. Be sure to drink enough, about 1.5 liters a day. A glass of water as soon as you wake up, a tea for breakfast, mineral water during the day, an evening tea ... So, you meet your daily water needs.

Tip 8: Eat healthy and balanced

A healthy and balanced diet benefits your whole body, including your skin. In particular, eating five antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables every day maintains the beauty and health of your skin.

Tip 9: Restful sleep

Get enough sleep and your skin will breathe health! To meet the needs of your body indeed, do not shorten the sleep time you need. 7, 8, 9 o'clock ... this necessary rest period is actually inscribed in our genes.

Tip 10: Stop smoking

You smoke ? Know that tobacco is not the friend of your skin. It makes it dull and accelerates its aging. A good argument to successfully extinguish your last cigarette, do not you think?

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